Monday, November 30, 2009

Love versus evil

When reading Bens passage that he provided you can see immediately that there is an abundant amount of love that each member of the family is showing each other. After I got done reading the book and thinking about how could those people that lived in Camazotz feel anything if something or someone else was controlling them was kind of mind boggling to me and really got me thinking of evil in our world today and if those people experience any kind of love in their lives or if the absence of it would cause them to do evil. Another thing that got me thinking was if our heart really feels or if it is our brain that does all of the feeling with the metaphor being our heart. The description of the brain really shows that if IT, whatever it may be in present day is controlling our ability to feel.
"An oversized brain, just enough larger than a normal to be completely revolting and terrifying. A living brain. A brain that pulsed and quivered that seized and commanded. No wonder the brain was called IT. IT was the most horrible, the most repellent thing she had ever seen, far more nauseating than anything she had ever imagined with her concious mind, or that had ever tormented her in her most terrible nightmares." (152) To me this is a perfect portrayal of what evil is. Anyone or anything that is evil could be described as this. You dont want to be around someone who acts this way so you try and avoid them as much as possible. If someone acts like this, like the brain, the IT, then how could they possibly show love? It is so important, especially in todays society that people have the ability to love others because that is what makes our world go round. Without love where would any of us be??


  1. i agree. without love we would not be able to live accordingly with other people. so is IT the "it" or is IT "them"? i like this passage because it shows exactly how terrible IT is in this book. what would it be like if there was an IT in our world?

  2. "Another thing that got me thinking was if our heart really feels or if it is our brain that does all of the feeling with the metaphor being our heart. The description of the brain really shows that if IT, whatever it may be in present day is controlling our ability to feel."

    What is the significance of IT being a brain? It's an important question. I read this book and saw a high school production of it when I was in 3rd grade, but since then I'd forgotten all but 2 things: the simultaneous bouncing of rubber balls, and that IT was a brain.

    I believe that the heart harbors emotion, however, so do all the other organs. Examples: it is possible to be so emotionally disgusted by something that one vomits, or so anxious as to cause ulcers (stomach harboring emotion)...but where do these emotions come from? Emotions come from how one perceives sensory information. Sensation and perception are products of the nervous system, which has its headquarters in the brain. So in a sense, the brain does control all emotion. It is therefore a symbol of ultimate power and control, sometimes even manipulation. IT is a brain because IT controls how people feel.
