Thursday, December 17, 2009

Final Posting

When thinking about someone who said something that has struck me is when Whitney and I were working on our context presentation, I told her how nervous I was for this class and how I didnt think i was smart enough to keep up with the class. I know that this didnt happen within the class but it had to do with what the class was about. I remember she told me that I am smart but I will continue to grow and that people older than me have more experience and that this class will only help me gain knowledge about literature and the world around me. I honestly didnt believe her at the time but now looking back she was very right. Yes, I didnt know alot of the things that people would talk about in class, but that strengthened my knowledge. Yes, I was still nervous to state my opinion but I found that other people in class were on the same page as me. After Whitney had told me this I took it to heart and started speaking up every once in awhile in this class and many of my other classes. I think in class we discussed alot about being or feeling like an outcast or having a lack of self confidence in class when discussing certain topics. I have learned that if I start believing what I say everyone else will start to believe it as well. Just like others were putting new thoughts into my head, I could also do the same with them. When walking away from this class I can say that this was one of the best classes I have been in so far and the true value of community was played out. Everyone really connected on a personal level and I think that is super cool because you dont get that in alot of college classes. I knew from that one project I had a new friend and mentor in Whitney and someone I could rely on if I had questions or concerns about the class. Even though Whitney is older than me I feel like we could be friends and if I later saw her we would joke about the little inside jokes we formed throughout the semster. So I just want to thank her for giving me that little inspirational speech only about 2 weeks into class and how that has impacted the way I participate in my classes and how I view myself when thinking abhout how smart I can be and also others around me.


  1. Lauren,

    You are wonderful. Thanks for the nice words--and the under cover jabs at how much older I am than you. I had a great time working on the context presentation with you as you fully know.

    You are smart--and I am glad you are finally taking it to heart! You did great in this class and I am glad you stuck it out. You really thought about what you were saying and brought some really relevant thoughts to the table that I think showed you were really thinking about what everyone was talking about.

    You will continue to do awesome in everything you set your mind to. Keep in touch and let me know how things are going. I will be around all next semester--so, do not hesitate to call me or text me. Have such a wonderful break. -Whit

  2. Lauren,
    I wrote my post before I read yours, but it’s funny how similar our posts actually are. It’s funny because we were experiencing these same feelings, probably about each other. We sat by each other in class a lot of the time, and you’d often tell me to talk when one of us was forced to. I could tell you were a little afraid to speak up, but it’s interesting you didn’t recognize that I was just as scared. It’s nice to know that even if we don’t always realize it, we’re all a little scared sometimes. It’s also reassuring to see how facing a fear can really help you overcome it. We’ve both faced those little fears and grown tremendously over this semester. I can see that growth in both of us :)

  3. I agree with you on many things that you have brought up in your final post. I also was a bit nervous for my first presentation. It was the first one of the semester, so I didn’t really know what was expected of us, and I didn’t have a feel for the style of the class or know anyone in it. You know how certain classes kind of have their own personalities because of the people that make them up? Well I quickly realized that this class was very intelligent and also very kind and inviting. I was also nervous to speak in front of the class or share my ideas because I felt like everyone else had so much more insightful things to say. But everyone always listened to each other and never put anyone down for their ideas. They also weren’t afraid to say, “I’m not so sure if I agree with that…” which is a good thing because it isn’t rude, but it brings another perspective to the table. When you said, “I have learned that if I start believing what I say everyone else will start to believe it as well,” it reminded me of something my mom always tells me. She has this saying that she always tells me, “Fake it `till you make it,” and I think this is kind of what you are saying. What she means is that if you are unsure of something, just go ahead with it anyway and act like you know what you’re doing or talking about. I also agree with you that everyone connected on a personal level. We are all here in school for similar reasons, we are similar ages, and I think that we had a lot of the same ideas. Not all the same, because that would be boring and we wouldn’t learn anything. I love how everyone had something to say and everyone listened and shared their opinion as well. I came out of this class a new person and a better learner. Thanks everyone!
