Saturday, December 19, 2009

final word - copied from my comments to Anneva in the hope that all of you might read it

So here is my official last act for RRT&F, but I want to attach it to Anneva's posting because I am a huge supporter of the Arts. All of you: Don't work in cubicles if your heart says no; do not be afraid to move outside of what feels normal or comfortable, normal is a trap; do not ever be afraid to speak your minds, follow your gut, admit you were wrong, or stand your ground; each of you revealed something personal by way of this blog, each of you risked something on a personal level in our class - each of you (I am sure of this)were outside of your comfort zones at one point during our class. We have Ben to thank for this in many ways - he led us to the water ... but we drank it down bravely and we took something away that was invaluable and irreplaceable. Look what happened! We met unusual people under unusual circumstances, we made human connections with each other, we looked like fools at various times and for various reasons - and the sky did not fall, no damage was done. In fact looking like fools brought us closer together. We are all so used to living risk-free lives - it is bullshit! I'm not recommending you take some of the risks that I took in life, but I have learned not to regret anything - some really crazy things paid huge life-affirming dividends. Buy my book if you ever see one for sale (presumably, I will have to write one first), if I have any balls at all (sorry ladies - that was sexist), the story will be about taking a lot of risks - some of which brought me back to school with all of you. How could I regret that? GO and LIVE!!! It goes WAY faster than you think it does.

Thank you all for another life - affirming experience - you were all wonderful. And special thanks to our East Coast, Jewish, Culturally elite, activist instructor ... the heart of a lion and the soul of Boal ... keep teaching, you're extraordinarily good at it!


  1. Jim,
    I know this isn't necessarily your blog, but I just love this advice! I just want to tell you that I extremely loved all of your opinions and comments that you had in class. I found them extremely interesting and intelligent. I think that you brought so much to our class becaue you are older than the rest of us and you have a deeper understanding of life. I'm just guessing (and I'm sorry if this is just a huge generalization) but I feel the life you have lead has such depth. I'm going to listen your advice closely and any other advice youre willing to give of course! Thank you for your insight. Good luck with everything in your future and have a happy holidays!

  2. Sydne,

    You are very very kind! If you ever want or need a sounding-board for something, I would be honored. My number is 651-274-7277 if you ever need it. I have another semester at the U, and you will find me lurking about Nicholson and Peik halls in the Spring - hope your holiday were wonderful - mine sure were!
