Sunday, September 13, 2009

Graduation Speech 9/13/09

The text I have chosen for this post is the speech given by the valedictorian of my high school graduation class during the graduation ceremony. It was truly a graduation speech; beginning with memories from elementary school up until our graduation night, talking about our futures, our attatchment to each other and to our town, and ending with everyone in tears. But, there is one line that I keep in the back of my mind: "We are North Branch. As much as we may or may not like it, we are this town and this school. The memories and the people that embody ourselves here are the basis for our potential to make changes within our own future lives, the lives of others, and possibly the world."

I'll probably never forget that speech and, more specifically, that line. It moved me so much mostly because it was such an emotional time in general, but also because those words directly related to me and my life. Aristotle's work said that in relation to the character of a speech or actoin, it "...must be true to life: for this is a distinct thing from goodness and propriety (5)." Those were the most appropriate and real words that I could've heard to describe how much a part of me that town was and still is and how I felt at that time. There was no other way they could've been expressed than through that speech, for "the vehicle of expression is langauge..(6)"


  1. I think that not only what the valedictorian at your high school was important but also the last quote on your post by Aristotle. When I read that in “Poetics” Sometimes it not what your actually saying but how your saying it and how moving words around or using emphasis on certain words or phrases can change the way we think/feel about things.

  2. I love that line your valedictorian used in their speech. If you think about it, that is so true about everything. The examples that you set and the things you do in life dont just directly affect you and the future you will have but everything and everyone around you as well. If you take that line and say how could I use this in my life, there are countless ways. The people you meet in life, I think are put there for a reason and all the experiences you have are meant to happen. Cherish all of those things and that will make you a better person and never take anything for granted. Even if you didnt want to be a part of something, you never know what kind of impact you had in someone elses life while doing it.

    I totally agree with Aristotle that the best way of expression is through language, and what you say can stay on the minds of many years after you have said it. Thats why I think the saying think before you speak is so important because you never know how someone will interpret something you said.

  3. I agree with you when you said that an action must be "true to life" I think that we find anything that we read much more moving if we are able to relate it to our personal lives. I am sure that since this speech reached out so directly to you and happened at such a pivotal moment in your life that the words meant more to you than a well written piece of prose that you could not personally relate to.
