Monday, November 30, 2009

Love vs Lacking Love

In A Wrinkle in Time, I believe that good is “love” and evil is “lacking love”. I think it is pretty obvious to see the concept of “love” being good from the passage Ben provided. That moment was the first time in a very long time where the Murry family was together, where all of them were truly happy. Their continuing love throughout the years apart gave them the strength to hold out while away from each other, and their love eventually brought them together. Love also kept them believing that they could one day be reunited. This is why I believe Mr. Murry was fighting against IT and the Dark Thing. Mr. Murry believed that love was worth fighting for and returning to his family was the most important thing to him. Those fighting against love and feeling simply want to be in control of others, so they may feel powerful. I think this is what IT was trying to do and why IT was fighting against love.

On page 198, I believe this passage defines evil as lacking love, “And that was where IT made Its fatal mistake, for as Meg said, automatically, ‘Mrs. Whatsit loves me; that’s what she told me, that she loves me,’ suddenly she knew. She knew! Love. That was what she had that IT did not have.” As mentioned before, IT was fighting love and lacking love in order to gain control of people. If IT loved people, IT would feel bad for what it was doing to others, depriving them of individualism. On page 191, Meg tells Aunt Beast that she loves her and Aunt Beast says, “I love you,” back to Meg. The creatures in the universe who love are good and those who lack love are evil. This makes me think why Earth and Camazotz had the Dark Thing around them. Camazotz lacked loved because IT was controlling people and depriving them of love. Earth has problems between people, such as wars, murders, and corruption. Even though love exists on Earth, the lack of love outweighs the existence of love. Planets such Uriel and the one Aunt Beast are on have complete love. This is why the Dark Thing does not encircle these planets. Love fights off evil and lack of love draws evil in.

1 comment:

  1. I agree with your insight on the use of love defining what is good and what is evil. I think I understand where you are going when you mention "power" vs "love." If I understand correctly, you mean to say that these two things are the influence that drives the different characters within this story. I think that true to a sense but consider for a moment the POWER OF LOVE! Not only does IT want power, he ends up losing to a power stronger than what IT could ever understand, and this is love itself. I think that is what the author was trying to push, that love is the strongest thing in the Universe.
