Thursday, October 1, 2009

On a side note

Not sure if my interest in this was piqued by this class or if something else is at play here, but in a recent text reply about my week to an acquaintance of mine I wrote
"The drama train that is KHK has been fun to watch and ride, so pretty much snafu in its most litteral sense"

This answer came off the top of my head and after sending if I thought, where the hell did that just come from, and if this were ben's class, what would we all have to say about it.

Just thought I would throw it out there in response to our recent discussion of poetry and its value/importance today. I think texting in its radical limitations has made the importance of succinct writing (communication based more on implications and imigary than explanations) brutally clear.

1 comment:

  1. Interesting. (What's KHK?) I'll be honest and say I'm often one of those (prematurely) old fogies who bemoans the degradation of the English language in text message-speak, but of course you're absolutely right: it opens up many new possibilities for language. Often, as you point out, we use metaphors unintentionally -- it just seems like the clearest way to describe what we're trying to say. A good book about this, if you're interested, is called METAPHORS WE LIVE BY, by George Lakoff and Mark Johnson. It talks about all the figurative language we use in everyday speech without thinking about it (vision as a metaphor for understanding, driving as a metaphor for living, war as a metaphor for discussion, etc.). Neat stuff.
