Monday, December 7, 2009

blog 9

In this book I found it very confusing with the concept of us, them and, it much like most people have already posted about. One of the phrases that I found was in the very beginning on page 13 "I don't know how it was where you were, but at Hailsham we had to have some for of medical every week" It seems to me that throughout most of the book there are these comparisons or she almost seems to be distancing the reader or another idea on what she might be doing is trying to get the reader to start to think more about their childhood, maybe wanting to tap into the readers creative side. With that being said I think that the author might be targeting adults in trying possibly think more of their childhood and become more creative and imaginative. The whole issue of us, them, it is very confusing at some points I thought it was Tommy, Ruth, and Kathy as us but Tommy still seems distant from the other too. As far as the them goes I believe that it might be the guardians and the it is anything that is outside of the fenced in area.

1 comment:

  1. I also thought the passage on page 13 was interesting. I interpreted it as sorting through important and blurry facts. But I liked the way you talked about it as potentially trying to get the audience to to be imaginative towards their past and childhood.
