Sunday, December 13, 2009

Never Let Me Go (Week 2)

From last week: Michelle...I'm pretty sure it was Michelle but I could be wrong...mentioned something I'd like to discuss further. She (a "Normal") was addressing the "Donor" group and said something along the lines of "we don't actually need you." Ouch. Since the Normals are already "harvesting" Donor organs, why don't they skin them at the same time and make decorative rugs?! I mean, they might as well be made into rugs, since the Normals treat them like game animals anyway, and why not walk on them (or does that make the power imbalance too painfully obvious)?

So what do we (meaning the people in this class, who live comfortably enough to afford college) actually need? Or I guess the real questions are: to what extent do we need comfort and luxury? and to what extent do we need to exploit others to get what we need? Also, why is it so damn difficult to be educated and responsible consumers? To what extent is this survival and growth of this country dependent on exploitation?

So yeah, that's what I'd like to talk about on Wednesday.

1 comment:

  1. I shouldn't have posted so hastily, because I'd like to point out one more thing:

    The exploitation of "it" (exs: killing Donors so that Normals can live longer, or buying clothing made in Vietnam, or countless other places, because it saves you money while the people making the clothing live in absolute poverty) is one way in which "Working and Owning" and "Us, Them and It" are connected.

    In what other ways are these themes connected?
