Friday, December 18, 2009

FINAL BLOG. a little sad..

Dear (in the words of Christina 'reading') class,

I had such a hard time deciding on one person from this class--because, I seriously saw this class as a whole. Therefore, I am breaking the rules and writing to all of you in general but, a few specifically for examples.(Ben, I hope you are not upset by my choice to write to the class as a whole!)

Every individual in this class aided in creating this great group for talking, laughing, debating, acting, drawing, elaborating, more laughing, even eating. This all lead to the ultimate educational goal of learning--but, in a wonderful atmosphere in which we learned from each other. I saw in this class the ability for strangers from completely different backgrounds to join together and form a bond--outside of say a mutual interest group.

Whether you spoke out often and immediately after every point Ben made such as John, who I believe made a lot of valid 'thesis like' points tying things together before I had the chance to process the question being asked.--quite impressive! or less so, everyone had such good view points.

I think that someone else already said this in their blogging--but, Jamie you always had such thoughtful points about books when you spoke. Working with you on the Salih interpretation presentation gave me a chance to see those thoughts even more. In particular I remember a conversation we had about your idea that Mustafa was actually getting darker physically in the novel based on descriptions being made. Or your thoughts towards the cover of the "Never Let Me Go." I think that sometimes I can get so caught up in a story and figuring out the ending that I lose parts of the journey on the way and I felt that you really picked up on the bits that would have normally fell in the cracks for me. Thanks for those insights.

Anneva, I enjoyed that early on you were always quick to say that you didn't agree with something. I specifically remember a discussion about literature and art in general and the relevance of knowing the background of the author or the artist. I knew then and still believe that I enjoy something more if I know the background on where it comes from. Whereas, you disagreed you felt that you didn't need that but that you could appreciate the book or the art for what it simply was. Which I can appreciate. I loved that you continued to question peoples thoughts up until even the last day of class--I think you called John out on the architecture of the Jewish Memorial. :)

These different personalities of disagreements and picked up pieces and everyone working together and feeling comfortable with each other--is exactly as I imagine a Reading, Writing, Telling, Feeling class should be. The greatest thing I have learned through this semester is the power of community and the ability to learn even more when you are able to fully communicate with those around you and connect with them. Because, even if we all didn't talk as much as someone else or didn't listen as much as someone else--we were having a silent conversation of agreeing with those around us or learning from their thoughts.

I could honestly go through and list a memory about all of you--but, that would become very long. So, I will say to all of you---thank you, thank you, thank you for a wonderful semester. For making a Wednesday night class not only tolerable, but enjoyable. I am very glad I added this class at the last minute--it was a wise choice on my part. Feel free to email me, I would love to keep in touch with you all! Best to you all in this next year and have a wonderful break. -Whitney

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